The Musicians' Concert Band


A Dream . . . A Reality . . . A History . . .
and A Future.

That is how the Musician's Concert Band started some 20 seasons ago.  It has since developed into one of the finest performing ensembles that one could imagine.  We have come a long way since that very first meeting back in 1986 when someone said, "Let's start a concert band."

At first we tried to develop an outside ensemble . . . asking people to bring their own lawn chairs and listen while we performed on the North Hall lawn.  There was the wind, rain, bugs, children running on stage and it was then that we decided to move inside to Miller Auditorium.  And Miller Auditorium has been our home ever since.  We started with a small ensemble and eventually developed into over 100 talented instrumentalists.

I have been very fortunate to have been able to stand in front of such a talented group of musicians that showed me support, loyalty, and friendship these many years.  I thank each and every one for their development of pride and a high standard of performance.  I have also been very fortunate to have an Associate Conductor like Michael Formeck, a colleague and friend that was always there when I needed him.  I will miss working with him.

They say behind every man is a woman.  I say behind every successful man there is a woman and I am very fortunate to have such a woman . . . my wife, Mary.  She is the glue that holds our entire family together.  I often ask myself how it came about that I am so lucky to not only have a wonderful wife but a great supportive family.  I can't say it any better than that.

It is now time to write another chapter for the Musician's Concert Band and I am sure with the appointment of our new conductor/director, Jeffery Kroner, that chapter will be written.  I wish Jeff and the MCB the best in their future performances.

Thanks everyone, it has been a great ride!

Musically yours,
Blase S. Scarnati

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